How to Insert a Dotted Line in Google Docs – Complete guide

Adding unique or specific punctuation to a Google Docs document can be accomplished in a few different ways. For this post, we’re going to detail how you can insert a dotted line.

A dotted line can signal a change in subject or topic in a written paper. A dotted line can also help to emphasize the placement of charts, graphs, or pictures in a document.

Google Docs is a popular and powerful tool with lots of features to discover and use. Let’s start by opening up a document, as an example.

Insert Dotted Line Example File

When we’re using Google Docs, the drop-down menus on the upper left side of the page will be the go-to areas. For those of us familiar with using Word, the layout is very similar.

Before we begin to make the dotted line, make sure the cursor is in the correct space for the line. A user can always move the line after it’s created, but we can save a step by positioning the cursor first. We’ll choose a space between two paragraphs.

If we do need to move the line, simply highlight and move accordingly. Or copy and paste the line throughout the document.

For now, let’s get back to creating our dotted line.

Choose Insert for your style choices

Find the drop-down menu labeled insert and click it. From here, we’ll see a long list of commands to choose from. Near the top, we’ll find the drawing option. When we hover over it, we are given the choices of new+ and from drive, which refers to taking previous drawings saved in Google drive.

Dottet Line Insert Drawing Menu

We’re going to choose new+ from the drawing menu, which opens up a second window for creating drawings. As with the main window, this window gives drop-down category choices. Along the top bar, find the select line dropdown (between the select and the shape options). Choose Line from this dropdown.

Google Docs Drawing Line Menu

Click, hold, and pull the cursor to draw a line. It will appear as a solid line and will be highlighted and selected in blue.

Google Docs Drawing Horizontal Line

Highlight select for more style choices

Now we have a horizontal line to use as a starting point.
Users will find that when the line is highlighted and selected, additional drop-down category choices will appear at the top of the drawing window.

  • Line color – This drop-down allows users to change the color of the line, including greyscale.
  • Line weight – This drop-down determines how thin or thick the line will appear.
  • Line dash – This drop-down is the one that gives users choices for the form of the line, including dots, dashes, and combinations of the two.
  • Line start and line end – Here, users can choose how the line starts and/or stops with certain figures, such as arrows, squares, or diamonds.

For creating the dotted line, we’ll use the line dash menu. The first option below the solid line choice is the dotted line. Click this choice.

Google Docs Line Style Menu

Now we have a dotted line.

If we need to make the dots larger, go to the line weight drop down and increase the magnification of the line. The dots will then appear larger. You can even change other characteristics of the line like the color or the thickness using the various styles menu options. Here, we can see a large dotted line with red dots.

Google Docs Drawing Dotted Line

Once you have the dotted line as you want it, click on the blue save and close button in the upper right-hand corner.

Google Docs Drawing Dotted Line Save And Close

The document will now appear with the dotted line and without the pop-up draw window.

Dotted Line Google Docs Final Result

If it’s necessary to make changes to the dotted line, highlight the line and click the edit button. This will take users back to the drawing window where users can make the needed changes to the document. We can also create additional lines of different variations of dots, dashes, and lines.

If you need to insert the dotted line many times, you can use the first you generate as your horizontal line template and copy it over and over through your document.